Why Should I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed In Baton Rouge, LA?

a patient with a painful wisdom tooth talking to an oral surgeon about a wisdom tooth removal.

Oral surgeons have the opportunity to help patients in so many ways. They can place dental implants. They can perform jaw surgery. They can do so much—right down to making the pain of impacted, failing, or partially erupted wisdom teeth disappear. For those patients whose wisdom teeth are causing any problems, they should consider professional wisdom tooth removal in Baton Rouge, LA.


When Patients Need To Remove Their Wisdom Teeth

Most people’s wisdom teeth usually appear sometime between their teen years and their mid-twenties. Though some people never develop wisdom teeth at all, most do. The problem is that people’s mouths may not be big enough to accommodate four more teeth. As a result, their wisdom teeth have very little room to erupt in natural ways.

If wisdom teeth start to erupt at an angle or can only partly break through the gums, they may cause a lot of discomfort and even nagging pain. Plus, they can start to force the rest of the teeth in the patients mouth out of their natural positions. Many people are unhappy to discover that they no longer have straight smiles because their wisdom teeth are crowding their other teeth.

The solution to the pain, and other problems associated with wisdom teeth, can be wisdom tooth removal in Baton Rouge, LA. Wisdom tooth removals can resolve all of a patients third molar issues, ensuring that patients do not have to continue struggling with difficulties related to their wisdom teeth.

An Oral Surgeon Can Remove Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom tooth removals are not like normal tooth extractions. They can be quite complex and require a specialized touch. For that reason, most people turn to oral surgeons for their wisdom tooth removal.

Remember that oral surgeons have the training and know-how to understand what to do in complicated cases. For instance, an experienced oral surgeon in Baton Rouge, LA, has been involved with more than 5,000 wisdom tooth extraction cases. Performing so many wisdom tooth removals gives oral surgeons an unmatched depth of confidence and expertise.


Take The First Step To Wisdom Tooth Removal

Whether or not your general dentist has recommended that you talk to an oral surgeon about wisdom tooth removal, you can always contact our practice. We accept patients with or without referrals. During your first appointment, our team will take a panoramic x-ray as part of your evaluation. From that point, we can make suggestions regarding your wisdom teeth.

Get in contact with Dr. Michael Casadaban, Dr. Leo Regan, Dr. David Bulot, and Dr. Steven Nelson at our Baton Rouge Oral and Facial Surgery office to schedule an appointment today! Even if you are older and have never had problems with your wisdom teeth before, you may develop issues. Many adults in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond end up getting their wisdom teeth removed, and we can help you remove them.

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